We all know that sedekah brings so many benefit in our life (in case you're wondering, you can read more about the benefit of sedekah here).
Sedekah will not make you poorer. Instead, sedekah will make you higher and richer, in dunya and akhirat InshaAllah. Sedekah also can bring peace and happiness. Then why we still keep ourselves from sedekah?
Technological advancements make life easier, as is the way to give sedekah. Even now you can give you sedekah whenever and wherever you want. All you need is a little time and a few clicks to give sparkle in their eyes.
Here are some of the donation agencies that you can use to give your sedekah as easy and as fast as a blink of an eye!
1. wecare.id
Wecare.id is a website built specifically to raise funds for patients in remote areas who need access to optimal health care. Through this website, donors can view the list and information of patients, choose the patients they want to help, then provide assistance by donating starting from ten thousand rupiahs. All transactions will be displayed transparently on their website.
2. kitabisa.com
Not much different from wecare.id, kitabisa.com is a popular website to raise funds and donate in Indonesia. They provide list and information of people who need our help. The difference is on this website they are not specific on the health problem, but there are other categories like scholarships, natural disasters, infrastructure buildings and others.
3. sahabatanak.org
Sahabat anak is a non-profit foundation that giving education and struggle the rights of marginal and street children in Jakarta so they can live properly and have brighter future. You can give your donation to support their activities and programs. Any donation form will be awarded for a scholarship program, the operational fund (lease of study house), or nutrition program for healthy food and medical examination.
So is there any excuse for you to not give your sedekah?
The shade for a believer on the Day of Resurrection is his sodaqoh. (HR Ahmad)
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